Sunday, June 03, 2012

My new find!  I decided I wanted something like this in my "dining" room, which is really big enough to be a formal living room and a dining room.  I had found one I liked on Craigslist for $ was sold by the time I found it.  So I've been scouting every where I can think where I might find one.  Last night I drove past the Oak Express.  I figured it was probably closed as it was 7:30 PM, but when I pulled in I saw they were open until 9 PM.  Huzzah!  I went in and found the floor model of this beauty for $128!!  It was originally $447!  I drug Ryan to Oak Express today after church and he said, "I guess" when I asked him if I could get it.  By Christmas my house will be homey and more decorated.  I'm super excited about it! 


Colleen Oakes said...

Are you going to paint it??? I have lovely can of blue paint...

Sarah said...

No paint, that would be embarassing.