Sunday, August 14, 2011


You may notice the background layout has changed.  It's no longer teach-y.  That's because I'm excited to announce a new blogging adventure.

All summer I've been reading blogs.  Mainly crafty and teachy blogs.  I've often wished there were more blogs out there for middle school teachers.  I have a hard time finding them.  Then I thought, hmmm, maybe I could start blogging about teaching middle school.  But I love my Only Grace blog.  I love that it's a smorgish board of all things me--teaching, traveling, crafting, photography, living, etc.  I don't want to give that up.  So my solution was to begin a new blog.

Yesterday when I was delivering flowers with Colleen I had, what I think was, a brilliant idea.  I would name my new blog *drum roll please*........... TEACHING TWEENS!  Perfect!  So last night I came home and got to work on it.

I've provided a link to the right on this blog so you can check it out if your interested.  This blog will continue to exist in its original purpose--to keep family and friends updated on our life.  There won't be as much teachy stuff here though, you'll have to click over to the other blog for that.  I'm super excited about this adventure and am hoping to really link up and get & share ideas with other middle school teachers.

Here's the button to link over to the other blog.


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