Sunday, July 24, 2011

Book Blog Hop

One of the teaching blogs I've started following is The Schroeder Page.  On there she links up to a Book Blog Hop hosted by Mrs. McCumbee--a new blog to add to my classroom collection of blogs.

Mrs. McCumbee's book blog hop is about sharing your favorite childhood/young adult book and the lasting impressions they had on you.  She is doing this to help her prepare for Reader's Workshop in her classroom.  I thought it would be good to link up with it also because I have been trying to figure out exactly what I'm going to read with my students this upcoming year.

I recall reading The Devil's Arithmetic by Jane Yolen in Mrs. McKenna's 7th grade.  I have always loved reading.  I am one of those readers who lets her mind wander and I visualize what I think things look like based on the author's description of the details.  I still can remember quite vividly what Hannah would look like (and she didn't look like Kirsten Dunst). 
When I was a sophomore in college I went to a Sedar dinner with a pre-sem guy and I remembered learning about the Sedar in this book.

I have read this book once with my class, and had forgotten about it until I started to brainstorm for this blog.  I may have to read this book again with my kids.

1 comment:

Chasing Checkereds With Cannon said...

Thanks so much for linking up! You rock!