Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You've begged, pleaded and some even asked nicely...

but no one offered money for an update?!!!! :)

I tell people I majored in Elementary Education, but really it was a major in procrastination! That's what I've been doing since V-day last week!

I procrastinated homework on V-Day to go see Definately, Maybe with Amy Luetzen! Good movie! It was the perfect way to spend a singles V-day. (Note that the holiday barely registers enough to use the WHOLE word.) :)

Friday we had basketball games for out "A" Tournament...which we won last year...and might have won this year had one of my go-to players not gotten in trouble with his mom and been unable to play. We lost Friday night.

Saturday we played at 9am. We lost by ONE POINT. One of my fifth graders shot with 2 seconds left on the clock, got fouled and then missed BOTH free throws! Argh! So leaving Brighton by 1030 left me plenty of time to do homework............................right. I went and saw Step Up 2 with Mona instead. It was so good!

Sunday Matt Zoeller and I took the Von Rentzell boys and the Bustamante girls skiing. If we had a videocamera I'm quite positive we would both be alot richer! Elizabeth in the process of wiping out took out a snowboarder and caused alot of ruckus. It was fabulous. We stood and laughed for a bit before checking on her. :)

Monday Zoeller and I went back up the hill to do some skiing of our own. We skied blues!! This is pretty big for me as I usually stay on greens (the easiest.) It was alot of fun! I even went up this HUGE lift that took us above tree line (trees stop growing at 11,000 feet). It was like the artic tundra up there. But I did it! And only fell once we were back in the trees (it's called "improving")! Once we got back to the bottom Matt informed me that we probably just went on a black...or two (those are the most difficult runs).

Now it's "Monday" and the day went by quickly and we accomplished alot and now I'm procrastinating. I don't want to grade papers anymore. It's almost like Spring outside. It's probably too early to get spring fever, huh?


Colleen Oakes said...

Good job on the Black run!! I am probably not even good enough for the Greens. Is there a pink run??

Miss you!

mqzoeller said...

The first time I read your blog since... several months I guess, and I'm featured in it. I will testify for you that you put in a full day's work, filled with improvement. The progression of skills was in full effect.