Thursday, January 31, 2008

End of the Month and almost the Week!!!

Sunday I finally got to go up skiing! Yay! I took Jaycee, one of my sixth graders, with me. We skied greens all day and had a good time. The weather was SO nice! You could almost ski without a coat! We kept our coats on though because we skied so fast that the wind whipped through us. :)

Monday we played another basketball game against Gethsemane. We won--we lacked some of our varsity players because of an unfortunate history test on Friday.

Tuesday we travedl to Greeley for a basketball game where I recieved not one but THREE warnings from the ref. I was being an "intense" coach apparently? After my third warning I figured I better take it down a notch otherwise I'd be kicked out of the game and my boys would be coachless as there was only one other person from our school there!

Wednesday was the first night in many weeks in which I got to see my house BEFORE 9! It was fantastic! We got alot of snow last night. Driving was a bit of a challenge.

Today when I drove to school I was quite sure I was being raptured (not that I believe in it, but if I did, I think that what I drove through would be alot like it.) By Sloans Lake it was so foggy! It went from being able to see reasonably well to not being able to see AT ALL! IT was crazy. I knew there was a stoplight coming at some point but I couldn't see it until I was right there. I think God knew people would struggle with that stoplight because the fog stopped right before the light and then you could see again. It was so bizarre! We're heading out today to play guessed it...another baskteball game. Tonight is the last regular season game. Only three tournaments remain! Yay! Then I can get my life back...that's right, I'm going to be out ALL THE TIME! HA!

1 comment:

Colleen Oakes said...

We will be SO ready to welcome you back!! We miss our Sarah!!