Monday, July 30, 2007

Orlando, Day 3 or 4

I didn't blog yesterday because it was necessary that I sleep! Even though I napped yesterday. I don't know what's the humidity, it's gone to the gland that makes me want to sleep. It's true.
So, yesterday I went to bible study with Hannah. Then she left me! I walked around the CHOZONE and checked out a few things. I found a teacher's guide to the workbook "Luther, Servant of God." I was pretty excited about this, as I use that book in my classroom, and now I have somone else's ideas to "steal." I also got a book to teach the catechism in my classroom. Muy bueno! (That spanish is for you Matt!) Further investigation in the CHOZONE brought me to the booth of God's favorite Concordia,.......Seward! I got a sweet button that says "Kiss me I'm Lutheran". I haven't decided if it is good or bad that no one has kissed me. :-P
After spending so much time in the CHOZONE, it was necessary to go back and eat, and nap! So, that I did. We had Chinese delivered to the room for $5! A true bargin. Then back to the Mass Event to remind people to "walk, please, walk."

(Picture of cool 'Chosen' sign)
(Hannie and I)

So today I got up at 7:45am so I could meet Hannie at 9am for Bible Study. I left so early I stopped for Starbucks! All was well until I realized I didn't go to the right room. Oops! So, a bit late I arrived. After the bible study, I found Barbie (the mascot of Hannah's group) and hooked up with her for a long time of chatting and having a good time. We got tattoos--temporary. After wearing it around for the day, I decided that I do, INDEED want a tattoo.
Hannah, being the good youth leader that she is, required her kids to go to a sectional, so I left her for a Stellarkart concert. THEY WERE FABULOUS! Being by yourself is great for getting a good seat. I just wandered up there, look friendly and BOOM, second row seat for Sarah!
After Stellarkart, I decided it was necessary for a bit of food, and a snooze, but I did not want to walk back to the hotel. Instead I got a gyro, met Chrissy, shared it with her, and then took a little catnap near the wall by her station.
Upon waking up from my little catnap, I went to a Fusebox concert. Not as good as Stellarkart, but what do you do? I snuck out early to go to the Seward Reunion. Fun times, and great fruit! Snacked a bit, saw Susie and Gracie--yay! The Seward reunion was the end of my free time, so I headed to the cool Usher room, strapped on my walkie talkie, and then laid in the middle of the room. At the mass event tonight Micah Parker spoke. He used baseball as an analogy to life. I thought it was pretty good. The Jesus Painter was back tonight. He was at the gathering last year. Below is the painting he created. It's very cool to watch him create the paintings. I took a video of it. He starts with a white canvas and creates little subpaintins if you will, and then the end is Jesus. Very cool. Check out his website for more info,

The mass event ended early tonight, so Chrissy and I headed to McDonalds for some good cheap food. We met up with my other two roommates and saw at McDonalds until about 20 minutes ago talking. We came back to the hotel to blog. While sitting here two guys came in and started talking to us. They then left us one of their pizzas. Why, I'm not sure. Probably because of my cool Lutheran Button!
One last Chosen picture, the stage at night, after the chaos has left and we're waiting for the 10-4 to go home from the boss man.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having an amazing time! I'm getting better updates here than on the phone with my hubbie. Our conversations consist of me saying "What?? I can't hear you!!!" and him trying to tell me about his day while a million high school kids scream around him. We get in an "I love you" and "I miss you" and thats about it. I can't wait to see your button. The comment about Concordia Seward as Gods favorite Concordia - seriously, hilarious. God's least fav? Bronxville. Figures.

Anonymous said...

Also, forget to mention SUCH a cute pic of you and Hannah. Pretty!