Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I'm sure I have something I'm supposed to do...

But it's more fun to play on the internet...

I made this...I might print it and frame it & put it somewhere. We'll see.The heart is supposed to be the big MG.  It's a bit off, I know.  I'm still playing with it.  Sad news is that picnik is closing. :(  How will I edit my photos and make subway art and waste time making this kind of stuff now?  Guess I better start getting more familiar with Publisher.
I have pictures from the snow we got last weekend as well from my trip to canvasses and cocktails.  They are on my camera...it's at school.  Boo.  Check out Colleen's post of our trip to canvasses and cocktails.  Super fun!  I maybe want to go back for my birthday...

I told Ryan about a FB post I read.  The post talked about a children's book called "The Farting Fairy".  Apparently the book is about blaming the gas passing on the "fart fairy".  Take what you want from that random tid-bit.

Tank is a bum.  He snores & has funny puppy dreams that make him make weird noises in his sleep.  I LOVE him!

1 comment:

Colleen Oakes said...

Tank a bum? Never. I always wonder what my puppy dreams about. Chasing rabbits? Piles of panties under the bed? Who knows.