Monday, October 03, 2011

Officially "Homeless"

Well we did it, we got our whole house packed with about 8 hours to spare.  We had to be out of our house on Saturday at 9 AM.  Friday at 12:30 AM we were on our way to our hotel for the night...DONE!

Let me tell you a few things I learned about staying in a hotel with a dog:

1.  EVERY little noise makes him growl and/or bark.  He's not usually a barky dog.
2.  It doesn't matter how nice your hotel is, when you take your dog out to go potty there might be a "lady of the night" outside who thinks he's cute and when she bends over to pet him she shows all her goodies on both ends...
3.  Allowing the puppy to sleep with you in hopes that he won't bark/growl quite so much might work...a bit.
4.  Allowing the puppy to sleep with you keeps you super warm!
5.  Allowing the puppy to sleep with you means you are in the middle and he might take up more room that your husband on the bed.

Currently we are staying in Arvada, housesitting for some people from church.  Let me tell you how glorious my morning was today.

Woke up at 4:30 AM to shower.  Laid in bed while Ryan showered.  Got up at 5:15 to fix hair/do make-up.  Left house about 6, stopped to get gas and a sandwich (I HAD to have a cold lunch today because my class went to the microwave...I forgot.) and still made it to school by 6:15!  Hooray for not living in Kansas for a while! 

Ryan's morning was probably a bit longer than mine...he'll's only 3 weeks.  {Anyone got an extra bed we can have beginning October 24th?  We have a dog...}

1 comment:

Colleen Oakes said...

Uhh..we do!!! You guys are welcome to stay in our new "Guest Cave", with nice bed and doggie friendly accommodations. Plus, we LOVE Tank!