Monday, August 15, 2011

This Post Linked Up with Via Scribendi


Beginnings are always messy. -John Galsworthy

That’s how I’m feeling right now.  This blog is a new beginning & it started with me not knowing much about how this whole Tumblr works.  I had a draft ready to go but learned that I can’t add pictures as easily as I can with blogger and would need a few more self-taught lessons on how to add my own pictures, so I deleted what I had.

The first day of school is Tuesday!  To prep for it I had to make a mess in my room.  On any given day for the last few weeks you could walk into my classroom and find full trash cans and general disarray.  Messy.  I can’t even begin to describe my office at the beginning of the year with all the papers people give me and the requests they make.  Sunday I did everything I could not to be in there because it was such a mess, and it’s the only place with air conditioning in the building.

Even though right now I feel like things are messy as I prepare to begin things in my life, I’m excited about the new beginnings and where they will take me.  I don’t think of myself as much of a writer, but I’m excited to learn to maybe become more of a writer.

My classroom may have been a mess for longer than I liked, & on Tuesday it’s sure to become disorderly again, but the beginning of the school year holds so much potential!  And sooner or later I’ll get to my office and get things filed properly. 

Beginnings are a blessing. -Me

{I'm part of a blogging adventure with 6 other ladies across the US.  We'll be posting on different themes every month.  The first theme of the adventure: Beginnings.  You can check it out here.}

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