Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A B C's of the Last Two Days

{Okay, so I don't really have 26 things to share with you, but what I am going to share is in ABC order}

Army Wives!  Netflix is streaming ALL the seasons of Army Wives.  I used to watch this show regularly when I had cable & a DVR!  I've missed it.  I decided to start from the beginning and watch it through to it's current season...

Breakfast Burritos!  I made 12 of them today.  Yummy!  

Colleen & Cowgirl Cookies!  Yesterday when Colleen was here she had some Cowgirl Cookies from a birthday party.  We decided to make them.  They are delicious!

Goulash!  I made a pot of goulash last night and divided it into smaller bowls to freeze & have ready for lunches.

Ikea!  Colleen and I went to Ikea finally!  It was fun.  I can't wait to go back when I really need some things.  I did find four things that I just simply couldn't live without...  A new stool for my classroom, a cute little lantern that I'm not real sure where I'm going to put it but I loved it and it was $4, two boxes (one package) for Ryan's receipt & paper collection, and a new dish drying rack!

Lazy...that's what I was today.  I slept in a bit, laid around and read, surfed the Internet, created a newsletter to email to my staff weekly, worked on Smart Board stuff for my classroom, and generally didn't leave the couch much.

Pots & Pans!  I have washed them a lot yesterday and today.  Sometimes multiple times.  This may be why I don't like to cook  much?

Summer is ending...Sadness.  Only a few short days before the bell starts to ring at school daily at 8 AM and I have lovelies waiting for me to teach them...I think I like summer and my summer schedule of life better.

Tank!  World's laziest dog, for real.  Today he slept in the kitchen while I made breakfast burritos, in the living room, right under my feet, in the bedroom while I folded some laundry, in the bathroom while I showered, back in the living room, outside he soaked up the sun & slept, and currently I believe he is in the hall sleeping.  I'll be taking him on a walk tonight so he'll sleep through the night.

1 comment:

Colleen Oakes said...

You forgot "I" - Injuries, from weird things, like a can of chili. You owe me comments lady!