Saturday, May 14, 2011

Extreme Couponing...

So I haven't seen the TLC show about the extreme couponing, but I have seen snippets of it on the news and it intrigues me.  ESPECIALLY if saving moo-lah on groceries means more moo-lah for us to TRAVEL!

I've  been cutting coupons now for about three months.  I went from a coupon organizer with really no organization (I could never remember if I filed coupons by brand name (goldfish) or by what it was (crackers), so shopping took WAY to long.  However in the past month I have refined my couponing skils and methods. 

I purchased a package of baseball card organizers a few weeks ago.  I dug out an old binder that was mainly collecting dust and then I created a beautiful coupon binder!  I had also purchased sticky tabs to create categories.  So now my coupons are arranged nicely in the following cateagories:

-Pharmacy (this is essentially personal care--deodorant, soap, TP, ect.)
-Store Specific

Because they are stored in a see-through page, I don't have to pull out all the coupons in that category out in order to find the one I want! 

Before going grocery shopping I sit down with the ad (usually online because King Soopers & Safeway let you click on the items you want and then you just print the grocery list from your clicking.) I make my list and pull out all the coupons I know I will use and put them in an envelop that I keep in my coupon binder.  Then it's off the store--I take Ryan with me so he can push the cart. :-) I take the coupon binder with me because we never end up sticking just to the list.  I can hardly contain my excitement to get to the register and read at the bottom of the receipt how much money we saved!

To aid in getting the most savings I started following a few blogs, including The Krazy Couponing Lady who posts a million times a day.  I always check her out once I make my list, as she has a list, in ABC order of printable coupons.  I also follow a girl I went to college, Kristen's blog, Joyfully Thriving.  Recently Kristen hosted a giveaway on her blog in which she was giving away coupons for FREE Purex!  Ryan & I love Purex.  It's our laundry detergent of choice.  Recently I had a small panic attack because I thought they had gone out of business and stopped making it.  I think they just were changing up some product design stuff.  Well, to make a long story short, I won the coupon!  I'm super excited!  That will probably be a savings of about $5 to $8 depending on the fine print of the coupon! 

So, that's what's happening here with grocery shopping...aren't you glad you asked. :-P I can't wait to have a larger house some day with a larger pantry & fridge/freezer so that I can truly stock up and save!


Colleen Oakes said...

Amy suggestions for like, organic food? We shop at Sunflower Markets, so I'm wondering if I could be an extreme couponer? It seems like the coupons are always for like...CapriSun and Froot Loops and other junk.

Kristen said...

Oh, and it is fun to have an organized stockpile of groceries! :-) Glad to be helping you in your journey!

Oh, to Colleen, there are organic coupons available online quite a bit! I have a list of some on my website.