Sunday, March 18, 2007

Since I've Been "gone"

The responsible thing for me to be doing right now is prepping for school tomorrow, instead I'm watching American's Next Top Model, and blogging. I haven't really blogged in so long I thought I should update my "following" on my life.

January: I started getting serious about my Mary Kay business, and Hannah came to visit me! Hannie and I had so much fun! We went out, we skiied (or tried to) and just enjoyed being in the same city for a bit.

February: I took my boys basketball team to two tournaments and we took FIRST PLACE in the Denver Area Lutheran Schools League Tournament. This is a big deal! The past two years our tournament appearance was not terrific. We were usually ranked 7 or 8 in the tournament and performed to that level. This year we went into the tournament ranked 2nd and determine to beat U.Hills who had stomped us the first game of the season (38-6). We did just that. We squeaked past them by 2 points in the last :45 of the game. Muy exciting!

March: Well, one more week and it's Spring Break! Already we've had Science Fair and celebrated Lutheran Schools week. The change in Daylight Savings Time has affected me in a manner that I never would have imagined. :P I find that I constantly want to stay up so much later than I should and that I want to be outside all the time!! Neither of these are really a good thing for adequately preparing for school. It makes me think of the days in college when I would hear people outside playing Ultimate Frisbee and the like and rather than ignore it, I'd find myself out there playing, and then it would be supper time and I'd had accomplished NOTHING. Oh well, only one more week of school and then I will do nothing!

So a long time ago I was tagged in Hannah's Blog to list five random things about myself...but I am not sure that I really want to share those five random things (and I don't know what they are), so I must respectfully decline the tag. :P

~Until next time~

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