Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm going to post pictures

I swear!

Last week really got away from me.  Before I knew it, BAM! It was Sunday night & I hadn't even started my lesson plans.  (I usually do them on Thursdays & Fridays but I had to stay late at school both nights working on tuition and billing...) So no pictures yet.  But here's a quick overview of the weekend:

Saturday--Met with a bride, looked at tons of houses {7}, made an offer on one

Sunday--Church, Fall Festival Meeting, Change oil in my car {Ryan}, go grocery shopping {Me--I saved 45% on my King Soopers bill alone...I heart couponing!}, lesson plans

Monday--Found out there are other offers also submitted on the house we like.  It's a short sale.  We resubmitted our offer (and changed it up).  Pray!  Call Xcel man, find out that the inspection report may not have been 100% true concerning the gas leak (there wasn't one, hooray for Xcel's fast, free response to check for said gas leak), waste time reading blogs, make yummy hamburger and beans like grama used to make (too bad I didn't have any potatoes, fried potatoes would have made it), blog, create some Language Arts worksheets for tomorrow.

The. End.

1 comment:

Colleen Oakes said...

What bride? How did it go? DETAILS WOMAN!