Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break 08

Here's what it looked/looks like:
Thursday--Skiing with Matt, the bus driver
Friday--Skiing with the roommates...they called it falling, it was their first time.
Saturday--Easter Breakfast preparation, pedicure with Amy, LAUNDRY!
Sunday--Play guitar at Sunrise Service, serve Easter Breakfast, enjoy 9:30 service, lunch at the Hein house, LAUNDRY! return Matt, the Spanish teacher's ski pass, pack for Vegas.
Monday-Thursday--VEGAS baby! The temperature forcast while we're there? 75-80 degrees! Yay!
Friday--Meeting at University of Phoenix about my masters program and call committee meeting.
Saturday--Skiing...with someone
Sunday--Make sure I'm ready for Monday.

I'll post pictures when I'm back.

He is Risen! Alleluia!

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