Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What did the Magi Bring to the Baby Jesus

So today I'm teaching religion and we are talking about the birth of Jesus. Well we are now at the point in the story where the Magi come and bring gifts. So we read about the gifts and I'm asking questions to make sure that they children are paying attention. I ask "What three gifts did the Magi bring?" A girl shouts out "GOLD, INCEST, and MYRRH!" I was shocked and then was trying not to laugh. As calmly as I could I said, "Excuse me?" And she repeated it again! I then had to correct her. Oh goodness, kids say the darndest things!

Hmm...I'm watching Big Brother right now. It may be the most immoral show I've ever watched. The two guys left came up with this "double date" strategy witht the two girls left. So now that one of the girls has the power of veto they are coming clean with each other. I think Big Brother is one reality show I don't ever want to be on!


hannah said...

Hahahahah thats funny. Last year, I went to go visit the first graders and one of them was couting in spanish.. UNO DOS TRES TACO CINCO SEIS! but yours by far wins out :)

hannah said...

Hahahahah thats funny. Last year, I went to go visit the first graders and one of them was couting in spanish.. UNO DOS TRES TACO CINCO SEIS! but yours by far wins out :)

Anonymous said...

I shared this story with two teachers, Melinda and Kathy N. I'm sure they'll love it. It was hilarious!